Land policies covering subjects such as land Use, Land development, Land settlement and allied matters are of utmost importance. Land use and settlement have come to be acknowledged in Sri Lanka as "Colonisation" in effect "State aided Colonisation". Colonisation has been accepted as one of the main grievances affecting the minorities – Tamil and Muslims in Sri Lanka.
1,400 acres were given to the Muslims under LDO (Land development Ordinance) permit to open out the jungle and cultivate paddy. This area about 5 miles from the predominant Muslim village of Akkaraipattu. The Muslims developed this area at great expenses even at the loss of life and limbs. They became some of the finest paddy fields in this area. Muslims cultivating these lands on LDO permits for more than 30 years were not given ownership title deed by the Government.
Acquisition of land owned and developed by Muslims
Norachcholai Kandam 1,400 acres
Digawapi – Periya Visarai – I 585 acres
Digawapi – I 275 acres
Digawapi – III 997acres
Vakkal Madu 400 acres
VeleMarethu Veli 200 acres
SiyathreWaddai 200 acres
Ambaltharu – Senai Kandam 300 acres
Vellakkal Thottam 320 acres
Kondawattuwan 400 acres
Mahakandia $ Kandiya Kattu 1,400 acres
Arugambay – Ullai 520 acres
The land taken over chasing the Muslims proved a dismal failure for sugar cultivation. One thousand four hundred acres of fertile paddy fields were reduced to shrub jungle. The government had settled Sinhalese brought from outside instead of giving the land back to the Muslims who developed these lands on LDO permits or to their dependants.
Similarly Muslims who developed the state land with LDO permits have been chased out from Velamarethaveli Kandam, Chenai Kandam. Total land from which Muslims have been chased away with their LDO permits (and given to Sinhalese brought from outside) amounts to more than 7,000 acres.
The Sri Lankan sugar corporation at Ingurana, Gal Oya Tile Factory under Ministry of industries at Irrakkamam. The River Valley Development Board – the Successor to the Gal Oya development board, took over the fertile paddy fields of the Muslims without due regard to the provisions of the law relating to acquisition of land. This has resulted in the Muslims not getting alternate land or compensation.
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